Slurry gas is a mixture of gases, including the extremely poisonous gas, hydrogen sulphide and it is vital that we know how to be safe round slurry.
The closed period for slurry spreading is due to commence at midnight on Saturday 15 October 2022 and The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) is reminding farmers/ farm workers to follow the slurry mixing code to stay safe during this dangerous process! Gas is released very quickly and in large quantities as soon as the mixing process starts. The first 30 minutes of the process are the most dangerous which means it is vital that all stock is removed from the shed and for the farmer/ staff to leave the building as soon as soon as the process has begun. It is critical that farmer/ staff stay out of the shed for at least 30 minutes after mixing starts.

Rely on filter type facemasks
Use gas monitors as a substitute for working safely
Rely on monitors at the start of mixing, the volumes of gas could exceed the capacity of the monitor
Have naked flames near slurry, some parts of the slurry gas mixture are flammable
Stand close to the pump/exhaust of a vacuum tanker when it is being filled
Camilla Mackey, Principal Inspector of the Agri-Food team at HSENI, said: “Coming up to the closed period can sometimes be hectic for farmers trying to get the last of their tanks emptied. Do not take any chances when mixing slurry, it is not worth losing your life over. Stop and think about the entire job and ensure you follow the slurry mixing code.
“Always keep children and animals away at all times during the mixing process. Farmers must stay out of the shed for 30 minutes after mixing starts or after moving or re-directing the pump.”
For more information about working safely with slurry contact the HSENI helpline on 0800 0320 121 or visit our farm safety topic page:
Or you can visit our page on our website and find out more information about how to ‘Give Slurry Space’.